Thursday, January 6, 2011


The sis's two youngest kids and I decided to color yesterday. Which is a relatively common occurrence when I watch them and desperately need to keep them preoccupied. But, yesterday was different! As Chenny was flipping through his pokemon coloring book, he found- The Tats. He looked up at me, with those adorable brown eyes of his and asked, "umm...Ivy? What are these?" He had no idea what he possessed in those little hands of his! To make a long story short, the tats have disappeared. They have either been used or destroyed. Or both...

Can anyone name these two pokemon?! Brownie points are openly rewarded!

Needless to say, they were pretty much duds. They lasted for about 15 minutes until they disappeared from one's arm. Shame...



  1. It is a *shame* they didn't last...I love the eternal fake tattoos. NOT! ;)

  2. Amy, love your comment! :) The top one is jigglypuff.

  3. Am, those are the best ones!!!! I think Kenji's had the one on his forearm since before Christmas. That's just hardcore!

    And Hil, not quite!! Jigglypuff is the cute one with the microphone who sings that one song and everyone falls asleep!

  4. Ahhh dang! Oh well I blame Ryan, he is the one that told me ;)

  5. Chansey & Seadra! :D
