I made an eyeball cake today.
Actually scratch that. I made TWO eyeball cakes today!!!
I started the day finishing up my first cake for the optometrist who is helping us out by looking at Amani's eyes for a very, very low price (erm, ...for free!) so we made him a cake!
This was what the first one looked like before I put the veins on:
And after:
I don't think it turned out too shabby, considering how shaky the cake making process started off. It was a majorly crumbly cake. To say the least.
It's pretty legit though, right?!
I was planning on settling on just making this one, but as the kids were leaving with the cake, they loved the cake so much that I decided to make another one before they got back from the appointment!
I went a little crazy with those veins though...
The Veins are taking over the world!!!!!!!
But seriously.
And...talk about being poked in the eye:
Can you even imagine?
Ew, ew don't. Don't imagine that!
OooOooh, by the way, how do you like the cake stands that my lovely
big sis made for this?!
Awesome, right?
Yeah, I thought so :)