Can you guess who it is? Here's a hint: light of the upcoming awesomeness, I've made a list:
5 Reasons why I love my Momma:
5. Her smell! It's divine. Especially just after she cuts up onions and washes her hands, it's like her natural scent is accentuated into wonderfulness. (and I'm not saying that my momma smells like onions. To those who have cut onions before, you know what I mean. Some might not like the smell. But I love it! and I think I might have just dug a hole for myself here...)
4. Her laugh. If you are one of the lucky who have been privilege to hear when she is seriously busting a gut, it will make you laugh just as hard as she is.
3. Her ability to put up with my musica. I don't know how she did it, but she somehow put up with my blasting my rock-on music allllll throughout high school, which is something I don't even think I could do as of right now. My Chemical Romance, anyone? (even though I still find them quite delectable, I don't think I could listen to them in front of the kids...)
2. Her ability to put up with my obnoxious singing. Yes, I'm one of those. The ones who not only sing to the radio, but every piece of music in their heads, even if I only know 2 lines of the song, I'll keep singing it over..and over...and over...and over...again. You can imagine that this can get a little unbearable at times, but my mom never complained. Not even once.
1. Her testimony. It is beyond extraordinary. I've never seen it waver and it was the perfect example for me. i feel more than privileged that she listened to the missionaries when they came knocking on her door, which ultimately lead to generations knowing the gospel. And because of her example, I'm going on a mission, which will lead me to teach those who don't know about the gospel. All because of one woman. That's amazing. She is amazing!!!!
I am so lucky.
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." -- Abraham Lincoln
*Also, the photo was courtesy of my good friend Susie Campbell. Another one of those "victory dance" kind of gals. You can find her work here. She is an incredible photographer as well as one of the coolest people I know.